Why Print Reps Absolutely Need to Use LinkedIn
If you are not fully utilizing LinkedIn to increase the effectiveness of your sales efforts, here are just a few reasons why you should. Using LinkedIn is easy and effective.
- LinkedIn can act as your website. Beyond trusting your company, prospects seek trust and assurance from the rep. LinkedIn has enabled this deeper dive. Promote your brand as a trusted resource and problem solver.
- More interaction on LinkedIn gets you more exposure. Profile views, post views, search views. Drip marketing, repetition, and engagement are essential to your branding efforts.
- Connect with all of your customers and prospects. Liking and commenting on their posts are fantastic ways to build and strengthen relationships. Everyone notices and appreciates when people comment or like their posts.
- When viewing a customer or prospect's profile, don’t forget to check out the “People you may know” section on the right. It will often contain similar profiles that are worth prospecting to.